Monday, June 27, 2011

30 Photography Challenge

Ok, time to update my photos for the 30 Day Photography Challenge. I was hoping for better weather on the day 23 for the sunflare, but I was out of luck. I was actually out of luck for several days. So I'm just going to use a photo I took with my Droid a couple of weeks ago.

I was also hoping to get a photo of my boyfriend's roommate's black lab for day 24 for a photo of an animal, but I haven't been to his house at the same time the dog has :(
She's a gorgeous too, so I'll just have to post a photo of her another time. So, because I don't a pet and that's pretty much the only time I see an animal long enough to take a photo, I'm posting one from our trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo last summer. Definitely cheating on this one, but this is an awesome shot!

Day 25 was something pink. I picked up this frame at a local arts festival for my niece that day.  I just couldn't resist it. And the ability to have it personalized made it even better!

Day 26 was something close up. I'm not too happy with the way this turned out, but my camera is only auto focus and was very difficult to keep what I wanted in focus in time to snap the photo.  I wish I could afford a manual camera right now, but unfortunately until I find a "real" job I'm just stuck with the 'ole point and shoot. :(

Finally, today's photo, Day 27, is from a distance. I chose a flag that is flying directly outside of my apartment. In the spirit of the upcoming holiday I thought it was a perfect opportunity to feature it.

1 comment:

  1. There are many P&S cameras that will do close ups (Macros). Mine is only a P&S and it has many settings. It even has two macros. It was not expensive either. Just at about $200. If that helps any. I really like your shots. though. You've done a great job.
