Thursday, June 30, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 30

Wow. I can't believe today is the last day of the 30 Day Photography Challenge. It definitely flew by and was a lot of fun. I can't wait to participate in another fun thing like this one. Thanks to Mary from White Peach Photography for this awesome challenge!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 29

Day 29 of the 30 Day Photography is something Black and White. It took me a while to come up with an idea for this one. I decided on one of my angels. I love angels and I have this one sitting on my dvd shelf. I looked up today and say it sitting there and figured it would be perfect for today.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 28

Day 28 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is of flowers. It's a gorgeous day out and I found these beautiful flowers in the park near my apartment.

Monday, June 27, 2011

30 Photography Challenge

Ok, time to update my photos for the 30 Day Photography Challenge. I was hoping for better weather on the day 23 for the sunflare, but I was out of luck. I was actually out of luck for several days. So I'm just going to use a photo I took with my Droid a couple of weeks ago.

I was also hoping to get a photo of my boyfriend's roommate's black lab for day 24 for a photo of an animal, but I haven't been to his house at the same time the dog has :(
She's a gorgeous too, so I'll just have to post a photo of her another time. So, because I don't a pet and that's pretty much the only time I see an animal long enough to take a photo, I'm posting one from our trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo last summer. Definitely cheating on this one, but this is an awesome shot!

Day 25 was something pink. I picked up this frame at a local arts festival for my niece that day.  I just couldn't resist it. And the ability to have it personalized made it even better!

Day 26 was something close up. I'm not too happy with the way this turned out, but my camera is only auto focus and was very difficult to keep what I wanted in focus in time to snap the photo.  I wish I could afford a manual camera right now, but unfortunately until I find a "real" job I'm just stuck with the 'ole point and shoot. :(

Finally, today's photo, Day 27, is from a distance. I chose a flag that is flying directly outside of my apartment. In the spirit of the upcoming holiday I thought it was a perfect opportunity to feature it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jersey Wedding

So this past weekend we took a ride to Jersey for a friend's wedding. It was nice to get away. It was a gorgeous day and an even more gorgeous wedding. What did I learn this weekend? Well, getting away from Erie and the lake means that the weather pretty much stays the same when the sun goes down. In other words, I don't need to wear jeans and a hoodie after I say goodbye to the sun. Secondly, driving in Jersey is RIDICULOUS! I've never been somewhere that allows no left turns and legally designates U turns. Add that, to the absurd amount of traffic and it was insane. I'm glad I wasn't driving and even more glad that I don't live there.

The ceremony was outside and had some of the best food I've ever had at a wedding. It was soooo good.

Had to get a pic with the happy couple.

We had a blast at the reception. Much love was represented to the fist pump. After all, how can you be in Jersey, near the shore, and not bring out the fist pump?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Time to Play Catch Up

I've got some catch up to do today with my photos in the 30 Day Photography Challenge. I was in Jersey for a wedding all weekend and had to finish a freelance job yesterday so I haven't had time to post anything until now.

Day 18 of the challenge was your shoes. I whore these cute things to the wedding that day.

Day 19 was something orange. I don't have much of anything orange and I certainly didn't have much with me while traveling. However, my favorite body mist right now happens to have an orange cap. Lucky me :)

Day 20 was a bokeh.

Day 21 was a faceless self-portrait. Because I spent most of the day with my computer working on a freelance job, I decided to use that as part of my photo.

Finally, today's photo was of hands. Because I was still finishing up this job today, I decided to use my tablet as a prop and show my hand at work. By the way, I absolutely love my tablet!

Finally caught up! This makes me very happy :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 17

So, I couldn't post yesterday's photo because I don't have a good enough camera. I am sad about this. Unfortunately, mine does not allow manual changes, it's just a point and shoot, so I couldn't do the long exposure photo. However, today's photo in the 30 Day Photography Challenge is Technology. I am the first to say that I love technology and depend on it everyday. My new favorite piece of technology right now is my Kindle. I recently purchased it and absolutely love it! I highly recommend it to anyone who is considering purchasing an e-reader.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 15

Half way done! Day 15 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is a silhouette. I decided to wait until tonight to do this, partly because I had to work a double today and partly because I wanted to use the street lights.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 14

Day 14 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is eyes. My eyes are the one thing on my body that I am proud to say I'm completely happy with. They tend to change color from blue to green, depending on my mood and my clothing, so that makes them interesting. They also aren't exactly small so many people notice them rather quickly. When I was younger I was very self conscious about that, but as I've grown older, I've embraced that. :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 11, 12 & 13

I had a busy weekend so I'm playing catch up today with my photos. Ironically, I did get to take them on the days I needed to, I just didn't have time to post them until today. Day 11 of the challenge was something blue.

Day 12 was a sunset. I lucked out yesterday, because Erie has some of the best sunsets and we happened to be right on the lake enjoying a free REO Speedwagon concert. :)

Finally, today's photo was you with 13 things. I chose a photograph of myself with my boyfriend and some of my favorite things right now. This was a fun thing to put together.

Friday, June 10, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 10

Day 10 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is a Childhood Memory. There are so many to choose from, but I decided on one of my all-time favorite movies. I'm glad to say it still is one of my favorites too. It's none other than the classic Lion King. It was hard to choose between this and Aladdin, but I think my sis may have that one.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Day at the Beach

I had to take advantage of the awesome weather we've had so I decided to take my niece to the beach. She of course loved it. The water was a little chilly for my liking, but I couldn't get her out of it. We had a blast though.

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 9

Day 9 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is someone you love. I'll admit it, I had to cheat on this one. I'm not going to see anyone today, so I had to pick a recent photo. Of course I chose one of the most important people in my fantastic boyfriend. I couldn't have asked for a better guy in my life and am so glad that God placed him there at just the right time. :)
The photo is from my graduation from grad school a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 7 & 8

I didn't get a chance to post my photo yesterday, so I'm going to play catch-up today and post two. Day 7 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is a photo of a fruit. I chose a peach. Finally everything is coming in season and I'm soooo excited about that! Fresh fruit is definitely one of my favorite things to eat! :)

Day 8 of the Photography Challenge is a bad habit. One of my bad habits is most definitely not putting my clean clothes away. I hate taking the time to do it for some reason. I'll just fold them and put them back in the baskets and not even mind having to search through the clothes. I'm not sure why I don't just take the five minutes it would take to put them all away....

Monday, June 6, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 6

I had a lot of fun with today's photo challenge. Day 6 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge was from a low angle. I set out to the park on this gorgeous, sunny day. My first thought was to lay down and shoot one of the many trees. I did this and really like it.

However, I couldn't pass up laying under the flowers and taking advantage of their beauty too.

I hope everyone else got to enjoy some beauty today too! :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 5

Day 5 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge was a photo from a high angle. I had a pretty busy day today, so I just took a quick shot out my window at my fun little car. I live on the second story so at least that was easy to decide :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 4

Today's photo for the 30 Day Photography Challenge set up my Mary through White Peach Photography is to find something green. I chose my eyes. They change colors from blue to green and I was pretty happy that they were green today so I could use them as my something green. It's been quite a stormy day here, including a tornado warning and all, so getting a nice shot outside definitely wouldn't have been an option today. I'm excited to see what everyone else has chosen as their something green.

Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 3

What I really wanted to do with today's challenge was take a photo of clouds through my sunroof, however, there just wasn't enough in the sky that would allow me to get a good enough image. :(
Although I wasn't able to get the photo I really wanted, I'm pretty happy that we have yet another sunny day. Today makes the fourth in a row! This may be a record around here. It's been pretty rainy for the past month and we have already doubled our rainfall for the season. I'll take the blue sky any day. :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 2

Day 2 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge set up through White Peach Photography is What You Wore Today. I had to work (serving) today, so therefore, I have to wear THE most unflattering outfit/uniform. I shouldn't say that, there are many uniforms that are far worse than mine. Hopefully the uniform will be a thing of the past soon though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 1

Day 1 of the Photo Challenge set up by White Peach Photography is a self-portrait. Now of course I went through several before I took one that I actually somewhat felt comfortable with. I swear I hardly ever get a picture that I like. Nevertheless, here it is. Day 1: Complete! :)